Media & Event Productions
With world-class studios, media production professionals, and event fabrication teams, SAR-EL is your address for a comprehensive, one stop shop event package.
Media & Event Productions
With world-class studios in Jerusalem, state-of-the-art equipment, media production professionals, and event fabrication teams, SAR-EL is your address for comprehensive, one-stop-shop event production. Save yourself the expense and hassle of bringing your media and production teams all the way to Israel, and let our local professionals design, produce, shoot and fulfill a perfect event for you. Contact us today to start the conversation.

我們為來自世界各地的教會和基督教事工提供專業地接服務。 如果您們是旅行社,領隊,教牧或遊客在尋找可信賴的以色列夥伴的地接社,請今天立即與我們聯繫。