Faith Pilgrimage & Bible Study Tours - CH-HK

Your Bible-centered experience in Israel will be designed and operated by our team of Israeli experts to best compliment your spiritual goals and expectations.

Faith Pilgrimage & Bible Study Tours

Israel is, and always shall remain, the focal point of bible oriented pilgrimage for Christians of all traditions and backgrounds.

Ever since Father Abraham pitched his tent in the land God calls "My land," the hills and valleys of Canaan served as the backdrop for the most momentous and epic events that have shaped our world for thousands of years.

Prophets, priests, and kings were anointed and commissioned here; most of the Scriptures were penned here; the Jerusalem Temples hosted worshippers from all over the world; the Son of God Himself was born, lived, suffered, died, and rose to life again in this land.

Whatever your Faith tradition and background are, our experienced team will help you design and operate the perfect program for your group, making sure that your Bible-centered experience in Israel will not only compliment your spiritual goals and expectations but will also draw your group members closer to God.

Contact us today to start the conversation and explore our suggested itineraries for Evangelical, Catholic, or ecumenical groups.

Have a look at some of our sample itineraries - we look forward to creating a custom itinerary tailored to your preferences!

Hear O Israel

From The Beginning – 10 Day Tour

Best Of Israel

The Word & The Spirit (Catholic)

Three Countries - Israel, Jordan, and Egypt (Catholic)

8 Day Israel and Dubai Tour Itinerary

Old City of Jerusalem with blue sky above

Your life-changing journey of Israel begins here

Serving churches and Christian ministries from around the world with the finest travel agents.

Why Do You Need To Visit Israel?

“A tour to Israel is worth more than a year in Bible College” is one of the many memorable and life-changing statements attributed to Pastor Chuck Smith, of blessed memory. 

Pastor Smith was one of, if not the most influential, leaders of the “Jesus Movement” in the late 60’s and 70’s which reached out to young hippies and surfers in California. This era of Christian revival led to an incredible time of spiritual renewal that continues to influence the Evangelical Christian community decades later.

Not only did Pastor Smith have a great love for the young and spiritually disenfranchised people of California, he had what at that time was a rare insight and sensitivity to the relevance of the regathering of the Jewish people back to the land of Israel and the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948. 

Pastor Smith understood and appreciated the importance of recognizing the Jewish root of the Christian’s faith in the land and people of Israel.

Consequently, he led dozens of biblically-based tours to Israel for nearly forty years. Pastor Smith was able to provide literally thousands of Christians traveling with him an opportunity to study the Bible in the places where the biblical accounts actually took place. 

In addition to visiting sites such as Mt. Carmel, Capernaum, Mt. of Beatitudes, Beth She’an, Tel Dan, Jerusalem, and so many others, Pastor Smith also shared insightful teachings which strengthened the tour participants’ understanding of the Scriptures.

Many have testified that their Bible-based tour was a life-changing experience with their beloved Pastor and teacher.

This fusion of on-site Bible study while touring the Holy Land has become an effective experience offered and encouraged by many of the most influential voices in the Evangelical Christian world as well as traditional and Catholic Church leaders, Pastors, and Bible teachers. 

Some have expressed the concern that on a “Holy Land Tour” they will end up “running through the places where Jesus walked,” which admittedly is not a very appealing thought.

We at Sar-El Tours, along with our partners in Travel Agencies and Tour Operators around the world, are committed to working with Pastors and Tour Leaders in order to customize their itinerary to meet their vision, their needs, and the interests of their travelers.

At Sar-El Tours, there are no “standard tours,” only customized tours to meet our Tour Leaders’ expectations.

What to see while on a Bible Tour in Israel?

There are many sites that are “must-see” for first-time visitors to Israel.  These include,

  • Caesarea Marittima, a magnificent port built by Herod the Great on the Mediterranean Coast and where later the Apostle Paul was imprisoned before being sent to Rome for trial. 
  • Muchraka, Mt. Carmel, where Elijah the prophet challenged the prophets of Baal and brought down God’s fire from heaven, overlooking the Jezreel Valley and Nazareth.
  • Mt of Beatitudes, where Jesus delivered His single longest sermon, teaching a different and revolutionary way of living as recorded in the Gospels.
  • Capernaum, Peter’s hometown where Jesus anchored His Galilean ministry and performed many miracles of healing.
  • A boat ride across the Sea of Galilee, known in Hebrew as the Lake of Kinneret. This is often one of the highlights of the Christian visitor’ experience in Israel.

These are just a few of the Biblical sites that a Christian pilgrim can experience in Israel, and we haven’t even begun to discuss the Dead Sea or the many sites in Jerusalem!

The result of seeing the Biblical sites firsthand

Most people, when they read the Bible, have their own mental images of the landscapes, sounds, and tastes associated with the Biblical accounts. By coming to Israel and visiting these places first hand, understanding of the Scriptures takes on a completely new and exciting dimension. Among the many responses we have heard while serving Christian visitors to Israel over 27 years are:

“Before I came to Israel reading the Bible was like reading in black and white.  Now, after having been to the sites, I am reading in color.”

“The Bible has become multi-dimensional now after seeing the land of the Bible in person and studying the scriptures in the places where the events happened.”

Another young tour participant’s life dramatically changed when she visited the Garden of Gethsemane. It was there, while her Pastor was teaching about Jesus’ last night before his arrest, that she understood that Jesus did not have to suffer and die for her on the cross. While visiting the physical garden, standing in the shade of the ancient olive trees, this young Christian personally grasped and internalized the fact that Jesus submitted His will to the Father’s and chose to face His Cross in order to provide Eternal Life for those who would follow Him.

This young lady finished high school wholly dedicated to the teachings of Jesus, went on to college, is raising a fine Christian family, and together with her husband established and pastor a thriving Church.

Another benefit of a Bible Land Tour is that in addition to building up the individual Christian faith, the experience strengthens the community. In our modern busy lives, many people show up for Church services on a Sunday and go home with little interaction with other Church members throughout the week.

Tour Leaders have shared that the bonding between tour members while on the Israel Tour is an important opportunity and tool for strengthening the Church community.

The shared times of Bible study, spiritual experiences, prayer, and fellowship which takes place while on tour result in closer relationships, shared vision, and renewal upon the tour groups’ return home.

These are only a few testimonies of how a visit to Israel can influence the life of a Christian.  Hundreds of influential Christian Leaders and Ministers have come to appreciate the importance, if not necessity, of making a modern “pilgrimage” to the land of the Bible themselves in order to see, learn, feel and experience firsthand the land where the Faith began.

It is our privilege to serve

For almost 30 years, we at Sar-El Tours consider it a great privilege to provide Christian visitors of all backgrounds and from every continent.

We are committed to serving all who seek and desire what we believe is a life-changing experience for Christians of all backgrounds.  No group is too small and no project is too large for us to provide wholehearted and professional service.

We encourage all Pastors, Bible study leaders, Seminary professors, and Ministry leaders to contact us regarding your community’s tour to Israel.

We will work with you through one of our many reliable Travel Partners in your area in order to put in place all the services required for your customized visit to the Land of the Bible.

We look forward to hearing from you and serving you here in Israel where the scriptures take on new life.

What You Will See On Your Israel Bible Tour

Tel Aviv, the Sea of Galilee, Jerusalem. There is so much to see.

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