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Sar-El Tours Introduces Groundbreaking Antiviral Technology | Aura Air Filters

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A. Blackburn

Coronavirus and international travel at present

Flights canceled and indefinitely postponed; borders closing, re-opening, even closing again; general uncertainty as to when it will be safe to go abroad again: it is no secret that the year 2020 has been the toughest year for international travel in recent memory.

Many are hopeful, minimally for quick Covid-19 test results. Realistically, everyone would like either a rapidly effective treatment for or a vaccine against it. Positivity with a large dose of realism seems to be the best medicine for the time being.

Yet while the world is kept waiting, one Israeli tourism company is making great strides to prepare itself for the present and future of this season and all of its implications. The answer, too, is from Israel.

Sar-El Tours has been serving churches and Christian ministries from all around the world with custom tours to Israel for almost 30 years.

Amongst their regular clients are Chuck & Cynthia Swindoll of Insight for Living, Precepts Ministries with Kay Arthur, Pastor Benny Hinn with Benny Hinn Ministries, Calvary Churches from all over the States, and Joseph Prince of New Creation Church in Singapore. Despite the current restrictions on tourism to the Holy Land, Sar-El is actively preparing to serve their customers as soon as the skies reopen—now with an added dose of health, safety and peace of mind. 

Aura Air Filter inside room

The travel industry and the challenge of Coronavirus

As is now apparent in many industries and areas, airborne viruses can be a threat to health and daily life. Travel is no exception.

The majority of tours to Israel are conducted on group buses where travelers are driven from site to site between several hotel stays in different regions of the country. Similar to cruise ships, recycled air on tour buses is one main area of touring that is susceptible to spreading viruses. Thankfully there is a solution already available.

Innovations from Sar-El (& other Israelis)

A recent communication to his staff from Sar-El owner, Samuel Smadja read:

In previous experiments run by Aura Smart Air, and in the pilot at Sheba Medical Hospital, it was demonstrated that the filter made by the company successfully managed to filter a series of high-risk pathogens including various viruses, such as Influenza H1N1 and Influenza H5N1.  Furthermore, the Aura Air filtration system is currently being tested to disinfect its ability to target the Coronavirus. Results are looking promising, and we are proud to be working with a company that takes this matter seriously, using innovative technologies to reach an effective solution. Sar-El is currently equipping all their buses through Sarel Transportation with these special Aura Air filters that sense and cleanse the air.

- Samuel Smadja

This system has already been effectively working at a major Israeli hospital in the Tel Aviv area since before coronavirus. “We’re the first tourism company to be adding this filter to the buses, for the safety and enjoyment of our clients. The first system has already been installed on one bus. We’re about to equip the rest of the fleet,” remarked Sar-El Transportation manager, Rodney Gila.

An Israeli start-up company, Aura Air, began over three years ago and was already set to optimize their product when the 2020 viral pandemic erupted.

Their system minimizes or eradicates all kinds of viruses and bacteria—even mold and other allergens and carries certifications such as: LEED Platinum from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), RESET Standard - Healthy Interiors from GIGA, and WELL Silver from the International Well Building Institute. 

Aura Air technology explanation

What to expect when travel reopens

Uri Avrouskine, Sar-El General Manager, says: “Sar-El is preparing itself for the future of serving global travellers. Installing the filters on buses is part of our efforts in readying ourselves.”

The experience will add to the quality and safety of all visitors to the country through Sar-El. 

One especially nice feature the air purification system is an accompanying mobile application that passengers on the tour buses, or wherever else the technology is found, can use. It is possible to monitor from a phone what both the surrounding indoor and outdoor air qualities are like and get up-to-the-minute ratings and updates right in the application about how the technology is cleansing the air.

Meanwhile, Sar-El is working with all their suppliers to make sure everyone is meeting new safety standards, and even to adopt this antiviral air purification technology as widely as possible.

As soon as tourism reopens, precautions will have already been put in place. Sar-El and their entire network are looking forward to once again serving dear clients waiting to visit the Holy Land.

Aura Air Filter and Bus diagram

According to Avrouskine, “What we know is that there is a huge demand and thirst to come back to the land[...] the prosperity of the last three to four years is expected to increase. Everyone is just waiting for a green light.” 

An invitation to explore Israel virtually

As many are waiting to come back to Israel or to visit for the first time, readers are welcome to visit the major sites of Israel through a complimentary virtual experience at until travel in and around the Holy Land is once again permitted.

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