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From The Beginning – 10-Day Israel Biblical Tour

Yinon Ben Hod

An eye opening tour for first and second timers alike! This tour combines Old and New Testament together with features of the modern Israel.

- Sar-El Tours

Day 1 – Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport: 

Ben Gurion Airport Israel

Begin your Israel Biblical tour with a warm reception at Ben Gurion Airport. You'll be transferred to your hotel on the Mediterranean Coast for a good night’s sleep, preparing for the spiritual and historical journey ahead.

Day 2 – Up the Coast to the Galilee: 

sea of Galilee

On the second day of your Israel Biblical tour, explore the ancient Herodian port of Caesarea, where you'll find the 2,000-year-old theater, ruins, and the port from which Paul sailed to Rome on his last missionary journey.

Next, visit Mt. Carmel, where Elijah battled the gods of Baal, and take in the panoramic view of the Valley of Armageddon. 

At Tel Megiddo, you'll walk through nearly 25 levels of ancient civilization, appreciating its strategic importance. The beautiful mosaics of Zippori, a city that thrived during Christ's time, are a must-see.

As the day ends, you will drive through Jesus’ childhood home of Nazareth and Cana, where Christ performed His first miracle at a wedding. Overnight by the Sea of Galilee.

Day 3 – In the Footsteps of Jesus in the Galilee:

Start your day with a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, an iconic part of your Israel Biblical tour. You'll also see the remains of a 2,000-year-old fishing boat from Christ's time. At the ruins of Capernaum, visit "His own Town," the base of Christ’s Galilean Ministry, where many miracles were performed.

Recreational Jet Ski On Sea Of Galilee

Ascend to the Mount of Beatitudes, the traditional site of the "Sermon on the Mount," and visit Magdala, the home of Mary Magdalene. Return to your hotel by the Sea of Galilee for dinner and rest.

Day 4 – The Northern Reaches of the Promised Land:

Arbel National Park, view of the Sea of Galilee, mount Arbel. Israel

This day of your Israel Biblical tour begins with an epic view from Arbel Summit, offering an overview of Christ’s Galilean Ministry. Travel north to the strategic Golan Heights, visit Banias (Caesarea Philippi), where Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do you say that I am?", and explore Tel Dan, featuring Jeroboam’s biblical altar. Return to your hotel for dinner and rest.

Day 5 – Come, Let Us Go Up to Jerusalem: 

Jerusalem City

On this day of the Israel Biblical tour, you'll have the opportunity to be baptized at the Jordan River. Visit the biblical city of Beit She’an and learn about the events surrounding the death of King Saul and his sons. 

At the springs of En Harod, reflect on Gideon and his 300 warriors before continuing south through the Jordan Valley to Jericho. Ascend the ancient pilgrim road to Jerusalem, where you’ll spend the night.

Day 6 – In the Footsteps of Jesus – The Holy City: 

Your Israel Biblical tour continues in Jerusalem, starting on the Mount of Olives with its panoramic view of the walled old city . Walk down the Palm Sunday Road to the Garden of Gethsemane for prayer and meditation. 

Mount of Olives

In the Old City, follow the Via Dolorosa, visit the Pool of Bethesda, the Ecce Homo (Behold the Man), the Temple Mount, the Western Wall, and the excavated Southern Steps. End your day with worship and communion at the Garden Tomb. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 7 – Jerusalem of Today, Bethlehem of Yesterday:

Museum of Israel, Jerusalem

On this day of the Israel Biblical tour, visit the Israel Museum to study the famous model of the Second Temple Jerusalem during the time of Jesus. See the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Shrine of the Book, visit the Knesset (Israel’s Parliament), and pay your respects at the Holocaust Memorial at Yad Vashem.

End the day in Bethlehem, visiting the Shepherds’ Field before returning to your Jerusalem hotel for dinner and rest.

Day 8 – Free Day in Jerusalem:

Enjoy a free day in Jerusalem for shopping, rest, or recreation. Your guide will offer suggestions to help you make the most of this day on your Israel Biblical tour.

Day 9 – The Judean Wilderness:

Judean Wilderness

Venture into the Judean desert, the lowest point on earth, as part of your Israel Biblical tour. Ascend Masada by cable car to learn about the Jewish zealots’ final stand against Rome. Hike to the Oasis of Ein Gedi, where David sought refuge, and visit Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. 

Conclude the day with a biblical dinner in Abraham’s Tent at Genesis Land, offering a cultural and culinary experience like no other. Return to your hotel for rest.

Day 10 – Final Day: 

On the last day of your Israel Biblical tour, rest, pack, and prepare for your transfer to the airport for your return flight home, taking with you the memories of an unforgettable journey through the Holy Land.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What should I pack for the Israel Biblical Tour?

It's recommended to pack comfortable walking shoes, modest clothing for religious sites (make sure your shoulders and knees are covered, bring a scarf for places that may require extra coverage), sunscreen, a hat, and a reusable water bottle. Don't forget your camera to capture the unforgettable moments!

2. Is the tour suitable for all fitness levels?

The tour involves moderate walking, including some uphill climbs and uneven terrain, particularly in places like Masada and Jerusalem. While it’s suitable for most fitness levels, it's advisable to be prepared for daily physical activity.

3. Are there opportunities for spiritual practices during the tour?

Yes, the tour includes visits to significant religious sites where there will be opportunities for prayer, meditation, and reflection; including the Garden of Gethsemane, the Jordan River, and the Garden Tomb.

Book With Us

This Israel Biblical tour offers a profound journey through the Holy Land, where you'll explore sacred sites, walk in the footsteps of Jesus, and connect deeply with biblical history. It is more than just a trip; it's a spiritual pilgrimage that will leave you with lasting memories and a renewed sense of faith.

Ready to embark on this unforgettable journey? Book your spot on the Israel Biblical Tour today and experience the spiritual and historical heart of the Holy Land.

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