Israel Opening Up For Incoming Tourism as Early as May 2021

With rising expectations and preparations for the renewal of incoming tourism into Israel, our government and health authorities are currently in the process of advancing and finalizing the regulations that will permit international tourists, both individuals, and groups, to enter Israel starting as early as May 2021.
These official talks, which are still ongoing and not yet conclusive, indicate that international visitors entering Israel starting May of 2021 will need to present a vaccination certificate, a negative Corona test, and undergo a serological test (producing negative results) at the airport upon entrée. While these are good news pointing toward the official opening up of Israel for tourism, we do expect that these guidelines will relax as we move into the summer and fall, and as the health situation continues to improve globally.
It should be noted that, due to its strict health regulations, Israel is the only nation in the world at present that will require international visitors to undergo all three health measures mentioned above. As we indicated before, these discussions between the Health Ministry and the Ministry of Tourism are ongoing, and we expect a final statement to be released by the government in the coming days. We will share with you the final guidelines and timetables as soon as they are released.
Our Sar-El team is working extensively with our international travel partners, planning and preparing for multiple groups to start arriving in Israel this summer. Our expectations, based upon these initial official discussions, are to see the first groups starting by mid-May 2021, with a larger volume of groups arriving by June, and a full opening for individual tourists starting by July of 2021.
We are looking forward to seeing you face to face and serve your groups in Israel soon. Please contact our operators as soon as possible and let us know your needs regarding your upcoming travel plans. As the State of Israel is readying herself for her international friends, your Sar-El team is standing by to support your every effort as we trust God and ask Him to bless the work of our hands.
Blessings from Jerusalem.