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Evangelical / Protestant - Classic Israel Tour

Yinon Ben Hod

After a biblical breakfast you will be ascending Masada by cable car for an epic visit of Israel’s historic freedom fortress, and continue on to enjoy an afternoon at the Dead Sea Spa with its famous mineral water pools and white beaches. Overnight in Tel Aviv.

- Sar-El Tours

Day 1 – International Travel

Day 2 – Welcome to the Land of the Bible

Arrival at TLV International Airport. Reception, assistance, and a beautiful drive to the Sea of Galilee. Check into our resort hotel on the lakeshore for orientation, dinner and rest. Overnight in Tiberias.

Day 3 – Around the Sea of Galilee & Baptism

After a relaxed morning by the seaside, you will start your day with a short hike across the famous “Jesus Trail” on top of the Arbel Cliffs and continue on to the Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, and Magdala for an in depth visit of Jesus’ footsteps throughout His Galilean ministry. An afternoon boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. Dinner and overnight in Tiberias.

Day 4 – Upper Galilee & Golan

Traveling north, you will visit the Banias Springs, the site of Caesarea Philippi where the Lord asked the famous question, “who do you say that I am?” Continue north to Kibutz Misgav Am on the Lebanese border for a strategic view and explanation of the region. Afternoon baptism service at the Jordan River, and return to our Tiberias hotel for dinner and rest.

Day 5 – Armageddon, Mt. Carmel & Caesarea

Traveling through the Galilee you will visit Nazareth for a panoramic view of the valley of Jezre’el and the plains of Armageddon, the prophetic site of the Armageddon military campaign.  You will ascend Mt. Carmel (Muhrakah) to the place where the Prophet Elijah called on God who answered by fire, worship with Israeli Believers at the Carmel Congregation, continue on to Caesarea on the Mediterranean Coast where the events of Acts and chapter ten took place, and arrive to our Jerusalem hotel for dinner and rest. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 6 – Jerusalem the City of Gold

Start your day ascending the Mount of Olives for a panoramic view of the city that Jesus wept over, pray at the Garden of Gethsemane, share Communion & worship at the Garden Tomb and visit Bethlehem to meet a Palestinian Pastor and hear the incredible story of ministry to Arab Palestinians. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 7 – Jerusalem, New & Old

Your morning starts visiting the biblical archeological site of the City of David, walking through the underground Hezekiah Tunnel, and arriving to the Western Wall for prayer. Free afternoon in Jerusalem and an evening worship meeting with a local worship minister. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Day 8 – Abraham’s Tent Desert Experience

Spend a day and a night in Kfar-Hanokdim, a Bedouin oasis in the Judean wilderness, learning about the biblical lifestyle and faith of the patriarchs. Overnight in the desert.

Day 9– Masada and the Dead Sea

After a biblical breakfast you will be ascending Masada by cable car for an epic visit of Israel’s historic freedom fortress, and continue on to enjoy an afternoon at the Dead Sea Spa with its famous mineral water pools and white beaches. Overnight in Tel Aviv.

Day 10 – Tel Aviv and Jaffa

Enjoy a morning walking tour of ancient Jaffa with its fascinating art galleries and open markets, and continue to visit Modern Tel Aviv promenade. You will visit the historic Independence Hall where the State of Israel was born in 1948, pray at the Tel Aviv Prayer Tower, and share a farewell dinner on the Mediterranean Coast. Transfer to the airport for your flight back home.

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