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Sar-El Tours Travel Update

Sar-El Tours & Conferences

Shalom friends, and warm greetings from Israel.


We are very glad to report to you today that the government of Israel verified and gave final authorization to the entrance regulations as outlined in our most recent Travel Report with a few additional improvements. Starting November 1st, 2021, foreign passports could enter Israel under the following conditions:

  • A visitor who was vaccinated with two Pfizer vaccines and 14 days or more have passed since the second vaccination on the date of entry to Israel (but not more than 180 days will pass when departing Israel).
  • A visitor who was vaccinated with two Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, or Sinopharm vaccines, and 14 days or more have passed since the second vaccination on the date of entry to Israel (but not more than 180 days will pass when departing Israel).
  • A visitor who was vaccinated with one Johnson & Johnson vaccine 14 days or more before entry date to Israel (but not more than 180 days will pass when departing Israel).
  • A visitor who received a Pfizer booster 14 days or more before the date of entry to Israel.
  • A visitor who received a Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Sinovac, or Sinopharm booster 14 days or more before the date of entry to Israel.
  • All visitors must enter Israel via Ben Gurion International Airport.
  • No visitors will be allowed entrance who were in a “Red Country” during the 14 days preceding their arrival to Israel.

Accepting Sputnik Vaccine Holders:

  • As of December 1, 2021, visitors vaccinated with two Sputnik vaccines, with the second dose received 14 days or more before the date of entry to Israel (but not more than 180 days will pass when departing Israel), and visitors who have received a Sputnik booster 14 days or more before the date of entry to Israel. Sputnik vaccination holders must undergo a serological test upon entering Israel and remain in isolation until a positive result is obtained.

 Accepting Recovering Visitors:

  •  Recovering visitors who can present proof of a positive NAAT test result (molecular test e.g., PCR) which can be digitally verified by the Israeli Ministry of Health. The test must be taken 11 days or more before the date of entry to Israel (but not more than 180 days will pass when departing Israel).
  • Recovering visitors who can present proof of a positive NAAT test result (molecular test e.g., PCR) which can be digitally verified by the Israeli Ministry of Health, and who received at least one dose of any vaccine approved by the WHO (regardless of the time and order of events).

Before Boarding Your Flight:

  •  All visitors must present a negative PCR test result performed up to 72 hours prior to their flight to Israel.
  • All visitors must complete an online "Entry Statement Form" before arrival.          
  • Passengers holding a verifiable digital certificate (check if your country is included) could upload their certificate of immunization or recovery to the "Entry Statement Form" and obtain a green pass.
  • Passengers who do not have a verifiable digital certificate will declare their vaccine type in the Entry Statement Form and fill out an application for shortened isolation, uploading their vaccination certificates there in order to receive a green pass.

When in Israel:

  •  Upon arrival, every visitor is required to perform a PCR test and stay in isolation until receiving a negative result, or for 24 hours (whichever is earlier). Isolation is permitted at the hotel.
  • A visitor who is diagnosed with Covid-19 infection during his/her stay in Israel will be transferred to a designated Covid-19 isolation hotel and obtain medical treatment (if necessary) at their own expense.

Entrance for tourists vaccinated six months or more PRIOR to their arrival to Israel is being presently evaluated and will hopefully commence by November 9, 2021. Details will be published in the next few days.


Please contact our operators with any questions as the situation continues to improve and as Israel continues to open up its doors to our friends from the nations.

Your Sar-El Tours Team

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